class Class
(c) 2014 Alasdair Mercer
Freely distributable under the MIT license:
makes for more readable logs etc. as it overrides toString
to output the name of the
implementing class.
class Class
Override the default toString
implementation to provide a cleaner output.
toString: ->
Mapping of all timers currently being managed.
timings = {}
utils = window.utils = new class Utils extends Class
Create a safe wrapper for the callback specified function.
callback: (fn) ->
(args...) ->
if _.isFunction fn
fn args...
Transform the given string into title case.
capitalize: (str) ->
return str unless str
str.replace /\w+/g, (word) ->
word[0].toUpperCase() + word[1..].toLowerCase()
Generate a unique key based on the current time and using a randomly generated hexadecimal number of the specified length.
keyGen: (separator = '.', length = 5, prefix = '', upperCase = yes) ->
parts = []
Populate the segment(s) to attempt uniquity.
parts.push new Date().getTime()
if length > 0
min = @repeat '1', '0', if length is 1 then 1 else length - 1
max = @repeat 'f', 'f', if length is 1 then 1 else length - 1
min = parseInt min, 16
max = parseInt max, 16
parts.push _.random min, max
Convert segments to their hexadecimal (base 16) forms.
parts[i] = part.toString 16 for part, i in parts
Join all segments using separator
and append to the prefix
before potentially
transforming it to upper case.
key = prefix + parts.join separator
if upperCase then key.toUpperCase() else key.toLowerCase()
Bind handler
to event indicating that the DOM is ready.
ready: (context, handler) ->
unless handler?
handler = context
context = window
if context.jQuery? then context.jQuery handler
else context.document.addEventListener 'DOMContentLoaded', handler
Repeat the string provided the specified number of times.
repeat: (str = '', repeatStr = str, count = 1) ->
if count isnt 0
Repeat to the right if count
is positive.
str += repeatStr for i in [1..count] if count > 0
Repeat to the left if count
is negative.
str = repeatStr + str for i in [1..count*-1] if count < 0
Start a new timer for the specified key
If a timer already exists for key
, return the time difference in milliseconds.
time: (key) ->
if _.has timings, key then new Date().getTime() - timings[key]
else timings[key] = new Date().getTime()
End the timer for the specified key
and return the time difference in milliseconds and remove
the timer.
If no timer exists for key
, simply return `0’.
timeEnd: (key) ->
if _.has timings, key
start = timings[key]
delete timings[key]
new Date().getTime() - start
Convenient shorthand for safely trimming a string to lower case.
trimToLower: (str = '') ->
Convenient shorthand for safely trimming a string to upper case.
trimToUpper: (str = '') ->
Convenient shorthand for chrome.extension.getURL
url: ->
chrome.extension.getURL arguments...
Objects within the extension should extend this class wherever possible.
utils.Class = Class