(c) 2014 Alasdair Mercer
Freely distributable under the MIT license:
List of blacklisted extension IDs that should be prevented from sending external messages to Template.
Predefined templates to be used by default.
content: '{url}'
enabled: yes
image: 'globe'
index: 0
key: 'PREDEFINED.00001'
readOnly: yes
shortcut: 'U'
title: i18n.get 'default_template_url'
usage: 0
content: '{#shorten}{url}{/shorten}'
enabled: yes
image: 'tag'
index: 1
key: 'PREDEFINED.00002'
readOnly: yes
shortcut: 'S'
title: i18n.get 'default_template_short'
usage: 0
content: "<a href=\"{url}\"{#linksTarget} target=\"_blank\"{/linksTarget}{#linksTitle}
enabled: yes
image: 'font'
index: 2
key: 'PREDEFINED.00003'
readOnly: yes
shortcut: 'A'
title: i18n.get 'default_template_anchor'
usage: 0
content: '{#encode}{url}{/encode}'
enabled: yes
image: 'lock'
index: 3
key: 'PREDEFINED.00004'
readOnly: yes
shortcut: 'E'
title: i18n.get 'default_template_encoded'
usage: 0
content: '[url={url}]{title}[/url]'
enabled: no
image: 'comment'
index: 5
key: 'PREDEFINED.00005'
readOnly: yes
shortcut: 'B'
title: i18n.get 'default_template_bbcode'
usage: 0
content: '[{title}]({url}{#linksTitle} "{title}"{/linksTitle})'
enabled: no
image: 'asterisk'
index: 4
key: 'PREDEFINED.00006'
readOnly: yes
shortcut: 'M'
title: i18n.get 'default_template_markdown'
usage: 0
content: '{selectionMarkdown}'
enabled: no
image: 'italic'
index: 6
key: 'PREDEFINED.00007'
readOnly: yes
shortcut: 'I'
title: i18n.get 'default_template_markdown_selection'
usage: 0
Extension ID being used by Template.
EXTENSION_ID = i18n.get '@@extension_id'
Domain of this extension’s homepage.
List of known operating systems that could be used by the user.
substring: 'Win'
title: 'Windows'
substring: 'Mac'
title: 'Mac'
substring: 'Linux'
title: 'Linux'
Milliseconds before the popup automatically resets or closes, depending on user preferences.
Regular expression used to extract useful information from different variations of names for tags that are evaluated/executed later.
R_EXPRESSION_TAG = /^(select|xpath)(all)?(\S*)?$/
Regular expression used to detect upper case characters.
Very primitive regular expression used to perform simple URL validation.
R_VALID_URL = /^https?:\/\/\S+\.\S+/i
Extension ID of the production version of Template.
REAL_EXTENSION_ID = 'dcjnfaoifoefmnbhhlbppaebgnccfddf'
List of URL shortener services supported by Template.
name: 'bitly'
title: i18n.get 'shortener_bitly'
method: 'GET'
getHeaders: ->
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
getParameters: (url) ->
params =
format: 'json'
longUrl: url
if @oauth.hasAccessToken()
params.access_token = @oauth.getAccessToken()
params.apiKey =
params.login =
getUsage: ->
store.get 'bitly.usage'
input: ->
isEnabled: ->
store.get 'bitly.enabled'
oauth: ->
options = _.pick, 'client_id', 'client_secret'
new OAuth2 'bitly', options
output: (resp) ->
url: ->
Setup Google URL Shortener.
name: 'googl'
title: i18n.get 'shortener_googl'
method: 'POST'
getHeaders: ->
headers = 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
headers.Authorization = "OAuth #{@oauth.getAccessToken()}" if @oauth.hasAccessToken()
getParameters: ->
unless @oauth.hasAccessToken()
getUsage: ->
store.get 'googl.usage'
input: (url) ->
JSON.stringify longUrl: url
isEnabled: ->
store.get 'googl.enabled'
oauth: ->
options = _.pick, 'api_scope', 'client_id', 'client_secret'
new OAuth2 'google', options
output: (resp) ->
url: ->
name: 'yourls'
title: i18n.get 'shortener_yourls'
method: 'POST'
getHeaders: ->
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
getParameters: (url) ->
params =
action: 'shorturl'
format: 'json'
url: url
{authentication, password, signature, username} = store.get 'yourls'
switch authentication
when 'advanced'
params.signature = signature if signature
when 'basic'
params.password = password if password
params.username = username if username
getUsage: ->
store.get 'yourls.usage'
input: ->
isEnabled: ->
store.get 'yourls.enabled'
output: (resp) ->
url: ->
store.get 'yourls.url'
List of extensions supported by Template and used for compatibility purposes.
hehijbfgiekmjfkfjpbkbammjbdenadd: (tab) ->
if tab.title
str = 'IE: '
idx = tab.title.indexOf str
tab.title = tab.title.substring idx + str.length if idx isnt -1
if tab.url
str = 'iecontainer.html#url='
idx = tab.url.indexOf str
tab.url = decodeURIComponent tab.url.substring idx + str.length if idx isnt -1
Setup IE Tab Classic.
miedgcmlgpmdagojnnbemlkgidepfjfi: (tab) ->
if tab.url
str = 'ie.html#'
idx = tab.url.indexOf str
tab.url = tab.url.substring idx + str.length if idx isnt -1
Setup IE Tab Multi (Enhance).
fnfnbeppfinmnjnjhedifcfllpcfgeea: (tab) ->
if tab.url
str = 'navigate.html?chromeurl='
idx = tab.url.indexOf str
if idx isnt -1
tab.url = tab.url.substring idx + str.length
str = '[escape]'
tab.url = decodeURIComponent tab.url[str.length..] unless tab.url.indexOf str
Setup Mozilla Gecko Tab.
icoloanbecehinobmflpeglknkplbfbm: (tab) ->
if tab.url
str = 'navigate.html?chromeurl='
idx = tab.url.indexOf str
if idx isnt -1
tab.url = tab.url.substring idx + str.length
str = '[escape]'
tab.url = decodeURIComponent tab.url[str.length..] unless tab.url.indexOf str
Used by Chrome to represent an unknown language (i.e. one that it couldn’t detect).
Details of the current browser.
browser =
title: 'Chrome'
version: ''
Indicate whether or not Template has just been installed.
isNewInstall = no
Indicate whether or not Template is currently running the production build.
Name of the user’s operating system.
operatingSystem = ''
Inject and execute the
scripts within all of the tabs
(where valid) of each Chrome window.
executeScriptsInExistingWindows = ->
chrome.tabs.query {}, (tabs) -> 'Checking the following tabs for content script execution...', tabs
Check tabs are not displaying a protected page (i.e. one that will cause an error if an attempt is made to execute content scripts).
for tab in tabs when not isProtectedPage tab
chrome.tabs.executeScript, file: 'lib/content.js'
Only execute inline installation content script for tabs displaying a page on Template’s homepage domain.
chrome.tabs.executeScript, file: 'lib/install.js' if HOMEPAGE_DOMAIN in tab.url
Attempt to derive the current version of the user’s browser.
getBrowserVersion = ->
str = navigator.userAgent
idx = str.indexOf browser.title
if idx isnt -1
str = str.substring idx + browser.title.length + 1
idx = str.indexOf ' '
if idx is -1 then str else str[0...idx]
Build a list of shortcuts used by enabled templates.
getHotkeys = ->
template.shortcut for template in ext.templates when template.enabled
Derive the operating system being used by the user.
getOperatingSystem = ->
return os.title for os in OPERATING_SYSTEMS when os.substring in navigator.platform
Attempt to retrieve the template with the specified key
getTemplateWithKey = (key) ->
_.findWhere ext.templates, {key}
Attempt to retrieve the template with the specified menuId
getTemplateWithMenuId = (menuId) ->
_.findWhere ext.templates, {menuId}
Attempt to retrieve the template with the specified keyboard shortcut
Exclude disabled templates from this query.
getTemplateWithShortcut = (shortcut) ->
_.findWhere ext.templates, {enabled: yes, shortcut}
Determine whether or not the identified extension is blacklisted.
isBlacklisted = (extensionId) ->
return yes for extension in BLACKLIST when extension is extensionId
Determine whether or not the specified extension is active on tab
isExtensionActive = (tab, extensionId) ->
log.debug "Checking activity of supported extension '#{extensionId}'"
isSpecialPage(tab) and extensionId in tab.url
Determine whether or not tab
is currently displaying a protected page (i.e. a page that
content scripts cannot be executed on).
isProtectedPage = (tab) ->
isSpecialPage(tab) or isWebStore tab
Determine whether or not tab
is currently displaying a special page (i.e. a page that is
internal to the browser).
isSpecialPage = (tab) ->
return yes for protocol in ['chrome', 'view-source'] when not tab.url.indexOf protocol
Determine whether or not tab
is currently displaying a page on the Chrome Web Store.
isWebStore = (tab) ->
not tab.url.indexOf ''
Ensure null
is returned instead of object
if it is empty.
nullIfEmpty = (object) ->
if _.isEmpty object then null else object
Listener for internal messages sent to the extension.
External messages are also routed through here, but only after being checked that they do not
originate from a blacklisted extension.
onMessage = (message, sender, sendResponse) ->
Safely handle callback functionality.
callback = utils.callback sendResponse
Message type is required. Informal rejection.
return do callback unless message.type
Don’t allow shortcut requests when shortcuts are disabled.
return do callback if message.type is 'shortcut' and not store.get 'shortcuts.enabled'
Select or create a tab for the Options page.
if message.type is 'options'
selectOrCreateTab utils.url 'pages/options.html'
Close the popup if it’s currently open. This should happen naturally but is being forced to ensure consistency.
chrome.extension.getViews(type: 'popup')[0]?.close()
return do callback
Info requests are simple, just send some useful information back. Done!
if message.type in ['info', 'version']
return callback
hotkeys: do getHotkeys
version: ext.version
Variables to maintain the various states for this request.
active = data = output = template = null
editable = link = shortcut = no
id = utils.keyGen '', null, 't', no
placeholders = {}
async.series [
(done) ->
Find the active tab within the current window.
chrome.tabs.query {active: yes, currentWindow: yes}, (tabs) ->
log.debug 'Checking the following tabs for the active tab...', tabs
active = _.first tabs
do done
(done) ->
Return a callback function to be used by a tag to indicate that it requires further
Replace the tag with the unique placeholder so that it can be rendered again later with the
final value.
getCallback = (tag) ->
(text, render) ->
text = render text if text
text = @url if tag is 'shorten' and not text
trim = text?.trim() or ''
log.debug "Following is the contents of a #{tag} tag...", text
If trim
doesn’t appear to be a valid so just return the rendered text
return text if not trim or tag is 'shorten' and not R_VALID_URL.test trim
Search for existing placeholder to improve performance later down the line (e.g. multiple URL shortener requests for the same URL).
for own key, val of placeholders
if is trim and val.tag is tag
placeholder = key
Ensure the placeholder is stored correctly for later use.
unless placeholder?
placeholder = utils.keyGen '', null, 'c', no
placeholders[placeholder] = {data: trim, tag}
Sections are re-rendered so the context must have a property for the placeholder the replaces itself with itself so that it still when it comes to replacing with the final value.
this[placeholder] = "{#{placeholder}}"
log.debug "Replacing #{tag} tag with #{placeholder} placeholder"
If the popup is currently displayed, hide the template list and show a loading animation.
updateProgress null, yes
Attempt to derive the contextual template data.
template = deriveMessageTempate message
updateProgress 10
{data, editable, link, shortcut} = deriveMessageInfo message, active, getCallback
updateProgress 20
do done
catch err
Oops! Something went wrong so we should probably let the user know.
log.error err
if err instanceof AppError
done err
done new AppError if err instanceof URIError
(done) ->
updateProgress 30
Extract additional data from the environment.
addAdditionalData active, data, id, editable, shortcut, link, ->
updateProgress 40
To complete the data, simply extend it using template
$.extend yes, data, {template}
Ensure all properties of data
are lower case.
transformData data
log.debug "Using the following data to render #{template.title}...", data
Render the initial template output based on data
This may be rendered again to replace any temporary placeholders that were inserted.
if template.content
output = Mustache.render template.content, data
log.debug 'The following was generated as a result...', output
updateProgress 60
output ?= ''
do done
(done) ->
updateProgress 70
Only proceed if any placeholders were inserted and replaced, as they need to be handled now in order to replace any placeholders with their final values.
return do done if _.isEmpty placeholders
Maps to populated with relevant data derived from their related stored placeholders.
expressionMap = {}
shortenMap = {}
for own placeholder, info of placeholders
if info.tag is 'shorten'
shortenMap[placeholder] =
match = info.tag.match R_EXPRESSION_TAG
if match
expressionMap[placeholder] =
all: match[2]?
convertTo: match[3]
type: match[1]
async.series [
(done) ->
updateProgress 80
Only proceed if any expression (e.g. select, xpath) placeholders were used.
return do done if _.isEmpty expressionMap
Evaluate all of the expressions within the active
tab and update expressionMap
the results.
evaluateExpressions active, expressionMap, (err) ->
updateProgress 85
unless err "#{_.size expressionMap} expression(s) were evaluated"
Update the corresponding placeholders with their result.
placeholders[placeholder] = value for own placeholder, value of expressionMap
done err
(done) ->
updateProgress 90
Only proceed if any URL shortener placeholders were used.
return do done if _.isEmpty shortenMap
Call the active URL shortener service for each of the placeholders.
callUrlShortener shortenMap, (err, response) ->
updateProgress 95
unless err "URL shortener service was called #{_.size shortenMap} time(s)"
Update the URL shortener service’s usage to ensure captured statistics are accurate.
updateUrlShortenerUsage, response.oauth
Update the corresponding placeholders with their result.
placeholders[placeholder] = value for own placeholder, value of shortenMap
done err
], (err) ->
unless err
Request(s) were successful so render the output again.
output = Mustache.render output, placeholders
log.debug 'The follow was re-generated as a result...', output
done err
], (err) ->
updateProgress 100
Transform message type into a more user-friendly form.
type = utils.capitalize message.type
analytics.track 'Requests', 'Processed', type, if shortcut then 0
Ensure that the user is notified if they have attempted to copy an empty string to the system clipboard.
if not err and not output
err = new AppError 'result_bad_empty_description', template.title
notification = ext.notification
if err
Notify the user that an error occurred while processing the copy request.
log.warn err.message
notification.message = err.message ? i18n.get 'result_bad_description', template.title
notification.title = i18n.get 'result_bad_title'
do showNotification
Update the activated template’s usage to ensure captured statistics accurate.
updateTemplateUsage template.key
do updateStatistics
Notify the user that the copy request was successful once it has been completed.
notification.message = i18n.get 'result_good_description', template.title
notification.title = i18n.get 'result_good_title'
ext.copy output
Finally, allow the copied content to be pasted into a field on the active tab.
This action is dependant on whether the page is protected, the relevant option is
enabled, and that a field was within the context of the template’s activation.
if not isProtectedPage(active) and (editable and store.get 'menu.paste') or
(shortcut and store.get 'shortcuts.paste')
chrome.tabs.sendMessage, {contents: output, id, type: 'paste'}
log.debug "Finished handling a #{type} request"
Listener for external messages sent to the extension.
Only messages sent from extensions/apps that have not been previously blacklisted routed to
onMessageExternal = (message, sender, sendResponse) ->
Safely handle callback functionality.
callback = utils.callback sendResponse
Ensure blacklisted extensions/apps are blocked.
blocked = isBlacklisted
analytics.track 'External Requests', 'Started',, Number !blocked
if blocked
log.debug "Blocked external request from #{}"
return do callback
log.debug "Accepted external request from #{}"
Route message as if it was sent internally.
onMessage message, sender, sendResponse
Avoid repetitive calls to render the text contents of a Mustache section by passed callback
pre-rendered text and safely handling bad returns.
rendered = (callback) ->
-> (text, render) ->
result = if arguments.length then callback(render text) else do callback
result ? ''
Attempt to select a tab in the current window displaying a page whose location begins with
If no existing tab exists a new one is created.
selectOrCreateTab = (url, callback) ->
Retrieve the tabs of last focused window to check for an existing one with a matching URL. populate: yes, (win) ->
{tabs} = win
log.debug 'Checking the tabs of the following last focused window...', win
log.debug 'Checking the following tabs for a matching URL...', tabs
Try to find an existing tab that begins with url
for tab in tabs when not tab.url.indexOf url
existing = tab
if existing?
Found one! Now to select it.
chrome.tabs.update, active: yes
callback? existing
Ach well, let’s just create a brand-spanking new one.
chrome.tabs.create {windowId:, url, active: yes}, (tab) ->
callback? tab
Display a desktop notification informing the user on whether or not the copy request was successful.
showNotification = ->
Ensure that ext
is reset and that a notification is only displayed if the user has enabled
the corresponding option (enabled by default).
if store.get 'notifications.enabled'
analytics.track 'Frames', 'Displayed', 'Notification'
chrome.notifications.create '', ext.notification, (id) ->
log.debug "Opened desktop notification: #{id}"
Reset and hide any visible progress bar on the popup, where possible.
updateProgress null, no
toMarkdown = (html) ->
{inline} = store.get 'markdown'
md html, {inline}
Update hotkeys stored by the
script within all of the tabs (where valid) of each
Chrome window.
updateHotkeys = ->
hotkeys = do getHotkeys
Retrieve all open tabs (on all windows) and update their registered keyboard shortcuts.
chrome.tabs.query {}, (tabs) -> 'Updating the hotkeys registed in the following tabs...', tabs
Check tabs are not displaying a protected page (i.e. one that will cause an error if an attempt is made to send a message to it).
for tab in tabs when not isProtectedPage tab
chrome.tabs.sendMessage, {hotkeys}
Update the popup UI state to reflect the progress of the current request.
Ignore percent
if toggle
is specified; otherwise update the percentage on the progress bar
and reset the delay timer.toggle
can be used to show the progress bar or reset/close the popup.
updateProgress = (percent, toggle) ->
popup = $ chrome.extension.getViews(type: 'popup')[0]
templates = if popup.length then $ '#templates', popup[0].document else $()
loading = if popup.length then $ '#loading', popup[0].document else $()
progressBar = loading.find '.bar'
if toggle?
if toggle
Reset the progress bar to zero and ensure it’s visible while the templates are hidden.
progressBar.css 'width', '0%'
popup.delay POPUP_DELAY
templates.hide().delay POPUP_DELAY POPUP_DELAY
if store.get 'toolbar.close'
Close the popup, where possible.
popup.queue ->
Reset the progress bar to zero and ensure it’s hidden while the templates are visibile.
loading.queue ->
progressBar.css 'width', '0%'
templates.queue ->
else if percent?
Update the progress bar to display the specified percent
. "Updating bar progress to #{percent}%"
popup.dequeue().delay POPUP_DELAY
templates.dequeue().delay POPUP_DELAY
loading.dequeue().delay POPUP_DELAY
progressBar.css 'width', "#{percent}%"
Update the statistical information.
updateStatistics = ->
log.trace() 'Updating statistics'
store.init 'stats', {}
store.modify 'stats', (stats) ->
Determine which template has the greatest usage.
popular = _.max ext.templates, (template) ->
Calculate the up-to-date statistical information.
stats.count = ext.templates.length
stats.customCount = stats.count - DEFAULT_TEMPLATES.length
stats.popular = popular?.key
Increment the usage for the template with the specified key
and persist the changes.
updateTemplateUsage = (key) ->
template = _.findWhere ext.templates, {key}
if template?
store.set 'templates', ext.templates "Used the #{template.title} template"
analytics.track 'Templates', 'Used', template.title, Number template.readOnly
Increment the usage for the URL shortener service with the specified name
and persist the
updateUrlShortenerUsage = (name, oauth) ->
shortener = _.findWhere SHORTENERS, {name}
if shortener?
store.modify name, (shortener) ->
shortener.usage++ "Used the #{shortener.title} URL shortener"
analytics.track 'Shorteners', 'Used', shortener.title, Number oauth
allows easy identification of internal errors.
class AppError extends Error
Create a new instance of AppError
with a localized message.
constructor: (messageKey, substitutions...) ->
@message = i18n.get messageKey, substitutions if messageKey
Extract additional information from tab
and add it to data
addAdditionalData = (tab, data, id, editable, shortcut, link, callback) ->
async.parallel [
(done) ->
Retrieve all of the URLs from tabs contained in the same window as tab
chrome.tabs.query windowId: tab.windowId, (tabs) ->
log.debug 'Extracting the URLs from the following tabs...', tabs
tabs = _.pluck tabs, 'url'
done null, {tabs}
(done) ->
Allow Chrome to attemt automatic language detection on tab
chrome.tabs.detectLanguage, (locale) ->
log.debug "Chrome automatically detected language: #{locale}"
locale = '' unless locale and locale isnt UNKNOWN_LOCALE
done null, {locale}
(done) ->
Retrieve the geolocation from the client.
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition (position) ->
log.debug 'Retrieved the following geolocation information...', position
done null, coords: transformData position.coords, yes
, (err) ->
log.warn 'Ingoring error thrown when calculating geolocation', err.message
done null, coords: {}
(done) ->
Retrieve all of the cookies the client has stored for the contextual URL.
chrome.cookies.getAll url: data.url, (cookies) ->
log.debug 'Found the following cookies...', cookies
done null,
cookie: rendered (text) ->
Attempt to find the value for the cookie name.
_.findWhere(cookies, name: text)?.value
cookies: _.chain(cookies).pluck('name').uniq().value()
(done) ->
Try to prevent pages hanging because content script should not have been executed.
return do done if isProtectedPage tab
Call the content script running within tab
and request additional data to be extracted
from the page’s DOM.
The content script also takes this oppertunity to prepare for a second request that may
potentially be sent later instructing it to paste the result of this copy request into a
field within the context of the template’s activation.
chrome.tabs.sendMessage, {editable, id, link, shortcut, url: data.url}, (response) ->
log.debug 'The following data was retrieved from the content script...', response
Safety mechanism for when content scripts haven’t been updated along with the extension so the request gets stuck. This is mainly an issue in development and not production.
response ?= {}
Attempt to transform lastModified
into a usable date.
lastModified = if response.lastModified?
time = Date.parse response.lastModified
new Date time unless isNaN time
Provide an empty map of meta data if the content script failed to return one.
metaMap = response.metaMap ? {}
Attempt to lookup the value of the meta data with the specified name
If csv
is enabled, separate the contents by commas and return each unique value in an
getMeta = (name, csv) ->
value = metaMap[name]
if csv and value
_.chain(value.split ',').compact().uniq().value()
value or ''
Sanitize the response
so that it’s data can be cleanly integrated.
done null,
author: getMeta 'author'
characterset: response.characterSet ? ''
description: getMeta 'description'
html: response.html ? ''
images: response.images ? []
keywords: getMeta 'keywords', yes
lastmodified: rendered (text) ->
lastModified?.format if text then text
linkhtml: response.linkHTML ? ''
links: response.links ? []
linktext: response.linkText ? ''
localstorage: response.localStorage ? {}
meta: rendered (text) ->
pageheight: response.pageHeight ? ''
pagewidth: response.pageWidth ? ''
referrer: response.referrer ? ''
scripts: response.scripts ? []
selectedimages: response.selectedImages ? []
selectedlinks: response.selectedLinks ? []
selection: response.selection ? ''
selectionhtml: response.selectionHTML ? ''
Deprecated since 1.0.0, use selectedLinks
selectionlinks: -> @selectedlinks
sessionstorage: response.sessionStorage ? {}
stylesheets: response.styleSheets ? []
], (err, results = []) ->
log.error err if err
Extend the original data
with any additional data that was retrieved successfully.
$.extend data, result for result in results when result?
do callback
Creates an object containing data based on information derived from the specified tab and menu item data.
buildDerivedData = (tab, onClickData, getCallback) ->
info = editable: onClickData.editable, link: no
fakeTab =
title: tab.title
url: if onClickData.linkUrl = yes
else if onClickData.srcUrl then onClickData.srcUrl
else if onClickData.frameUrl then onClickData.frameUrl
else onClickData.pageUrl = buildStandardData fakeTab, getCallback
Construct a data object based on information extracted from tab
The tab information is then merged with additional information relating to the URL of the tab.
If a tag requires further action (e.g. call a URL shortening service) when parsing the templates
contents later, the callback method returned by getCallback
is called to handle this as we
don’t want to perform these expensive tasks unless it is actually required.
buildStandardData = (tab, getCallback) ->
Create a clone of the original tab of the tab to run the compatibility scripts on.
ctab = $.extend {}, tab
Check for any support extensions running on the current tab by simply checking the tabs URL.
for own extension, handler of SUPPORT when isExtensionActive tab, extension
log.debug "Making data compatible with #{extension}"
handler? ctab
Build the initial URL data.
data = {}
url = $.url ctab.url
Create references to the base of all grouped options to improve lookup performance.
bitly = store.get 'bitly'
googl = store.get 'googl'
links = store.get 'links'
markdown = store.get 'markdown'
menu = store.get 'menu'
notifications = store.get 'notifications'
shortcuts = store.get 'shortcuts'
stats = store.get 'stats'
toolbar = store.get 'toolbar'
yourls = store.get 'yourls'
Attempt to extract the contents from the page source in the specified type (i.e. html
getFromPage = (source, contentType) ->
contents = ''
if source
html = document.createElement 'html'
html.innerHTML = source
$html = $ html
$body = $html.find 'body'
contents = if $body.length then do $body[contentType] else do $html[contentType]
Merge the initial data with the attributes of the URL
parser and all of the custom Template
All properties should be in lower case so that they can be looked up ignoring case by our
modified version of mustache.js.
$.extend data, url.attr(),
Deprecated since 1.2.5, use linkstarget
anchortarget: -> @linkstarget
Deprecated since 1.2.5, use linkstitle
anchortitle: -> @linkstitle
bitly: bitly.enabled
bitlyaccount: ->
_.findWhere(SHORTENERS, name: 'bitly').oauth.hasAccessToken()
browser: browser.title
browserversion: browser.version
capitalise: -> do @capitalize
capitalize: rendered (text) ->
utils.capitalize text
Deprecated since 1.0.0, use menu
contextmenu: -> @menu
cookiesenabled: navigator.cookieEnabled
count: stats.count
customcount: stats.customCount
datetime: rendered (text) ->
new Date().format if text then text
decode: rendered (text) ->
if text then decodeURIComponent text
depth: screen.colorDepth
Deprecated since 1.0.0, use linkstarget
doanchortarget: -> @linkstarget
Deprecated since 1.0.0, use linkstitle
doanchortitle: -> @linkstitle
encode: rendered (text) ->
if text then encodeURIComponent text
Deprecated since, use encode
encoded: ->
encodeURIComponent @url
escape: rendered (text) ->
_.escape text
favicon: ctab.favIconUrl
fparam: rendered (text) ->
if text then url.fparam text
fparams: nullIfEmpty url.fparam()
fsegment: rendered (text) ->
if text then url.fsegment parseInt text, 10
fsegments: url.fsegment()
googl: googl.enabled
googlaccount: ->
_.findWhere(SHORTENERS, name: 'googl').oauth.hasAccessToken()
Deprecated since 1.0.0, use googlaccount
googloauth: -> do @googlaccount
java: navigator.javaEnabled()
length: rendered (text) ->
linkmarkdown: ->
toMarkdown @linkhtml
linkstitle: links.title
lowercase: rendered (text) ->
markdown: ->
toMarkdown getFromPage @html, 'html'
markdowninline: markdown.inline
menu: menu.enabled
menuoptions: menu.options
menupaste: menu.paste
notifications: notifications.enabled
Deprecated since 1.2.7
notificationduration: 0
offline: not navigator.onLine
Deprecated since, use originalurl
originalsource: -> @originalurl
originaltitle: tab.title or url.attr 'source'
originalurl: tab.url
os: operatingSystem
param: rendered (text) ->
if text then url.param text
params: nullIfEmpty url.param()
plugins: _.chain(navigator.plugins).pluck('name').uniq().value()
popular: $.extend yes, {}, _.findWhere ext.templates, key: stats.popular
screenheight: screen.height
screenwidth: screen.width
segment: rendered (text) ->
if text then url.segment parseInt text, 10
segments: url.segment()
select: ->
getCallback 'select'
selectall: ->
getCallback 'selectall'
selectallhtml: ->
getCallback 'selectallhtml'
selectallmarkdown: ->
getCallback 'selectallmarkdown'
selecthtml: ->
getCallback 'selecthtml'
selectionmarkdown: ->
toMarkdown @selectionhtml
selectmarkdown: ->
getCallback 'selectmarkdown'
Deprecated since 1.0.0, use shorten
short: -> do @shorten
shortcuts: shortcuts.enabled
shortcutspaste: shortcuts.paste
shorten: ->
getCallback 'shorten'
text: ->
getFromPage @html, 'text'
tidy: rendered (text) ->
if text then text.replace(/([ \t]+)/g, ' ').trim()
title: ctab.title or url.attr 'source'
toolbarclose: toolbar.close
Deprecated since 1.0.0, use the inverse of toolbarpopup
toolbarfeature: -> not @toolbarpopup
Deprecated since 1.0.0, use toolbarstyle
toolbarfeaturedetails: -> @toolbarstyle
Deprecated since 1.0.0, use toolbarkey
toolbarfeaturename: -> @toolbarkey
toolbarkey: toolbar.key
toolbaroptions: toolbar.options
toolbarpopup: toolbar.popup
Obsolete since 1.1.0, functionality has been removed.
toolbarstyle: no
trim: rendered (text) ->
trimleft: rendered (text) ->
trimright: rendered (text) ->
unescape: rendered (text) ->
_.unescape text
uppercase: rendered (text) ->
url: url.attr 'source'
version: ext.version
wordcount: rendered (text) ->
return unless text
Oddly, this is the optimal method to calculate the word count on WebKit browsers.
count = 0
text = text.trim()
matches = text.match /\s+/g
if text
count+= matches.length if matches
xpath: ->
getCallback 'xpath'
xpathall: ->
getCallback 'xpathall'
xpathallhtml: ->
getCallback 'xpathallhtml'
xpathallmarkdown: ->
getCallback 'xpathallmarkdown'
xpathhtml: ->
getCallback 'xpathhtml'
xpathmarkdown: ->
getCallback 'xpathmarkdown'
yourls: yourls.enabled
yourlsauthentication: yourls.authentication
yourlspassword: yourls.password
yourlssignature: yourls.signature
yourlsurl: yourls.url
yourlsusername: yourls.username
Derive the relevant information, including the template data, based on both message
and tab
deriveMessageInfo = (message, tab, getCallback) ->
info =
data: null
editable: no
link: no
shortcut: no
$.extend info, switch message.type
when 'menu'
buildDerivedData tab,, getCallback
when 'popup', 'toolbar'
data: buildStandardData tab, getCallback
when 'shortcut'
data: buildStandardData tab, getCallback
shortcut: yes
throw new AppError 'result_bad_type_description'
Derive the relevant template based on the context of message
deriveMessageTempate = (message) ->
template = switch message.type
when 'menu' then getTemplateWithMenuId
when 'popup', 'toolbar' then getTemplateWithKey
when 'shortcut' then getTemplateWithShortcut
else throw new AppError 'result_bad_type_description'
throw new AppError 'result_bad_template_description' unless template?
Evaluate the expressions in map
within the content scripts in tab
in order to obtain their
corresponding values.
Expressions can be of mixed type (i.e. CSS selector, XPath expression) and contain different
instructions depending on the tag that was used by the user.callback
will be called with the result once all of the expressions have been evaluated.
evaluateExpressions = (tab, map, callback) ->
Since content scripts cannot be executed on protected pages attempting to send a message to one would result in background errors being thrown, so we’ll just have to make sure the placeholder is removed.
if isProtectedPage tab
map[placeholder] = '' for own placeholder of map
return do callback
Tell the content script in tab
to evaluate all of the expressions in map
and update it with
their corresponding values.
chrome.tabs.sendMessage, expressions: map, (response) ->
log.debug 'The following response was returned by the content script...', response
response ?= {}
for own placeholder, expression of response.expressions
{convertTo, error, result} = expression
break if error
result or= ''
result = result.join '\n' if _.isArray result
result = toMarkdown result if convertTo is 'markdown'
map[placeholder] = result
callback if error then new AppError 'result_bad_expression_description'
Ensure there is a lower case variant of all properties of data
, optionally only changing a
clone of the specified data
transformData = (data, clone) ->
return data unless data
Ensure that the result
and data
types match when cloning.
result = if clone
if _.isArray data then [] else {}
transform = (value) ->
if _.isArray(value) or _.isObject(value) then transformData value, clone else value
if _.isArray result
Also transform any nested objects deep within the array.
result[i] = transform value for value, i in data
Transform all properties of the object, included any deep nested objects.
for own prop, value of data
prop = prop.toLowerCase() if clone or R_UPPER_CASE.test prop
result[prop] = transform value
Transform specific sections of the data loaded from configuration.json
so that they’re more
usable and localized.
buildConfig = ->
do buildIcons
Transform the configuration icons into usable Icon
buildIcons = ->
for name, i in ext.config.icons.current
ext.config.icons.current[i] = new Icon name
Build the HTML to populate the popup with to optimize popup loading times.
buildPopup = ->
Generate the HTML for each enabled template.
items = $()
items = items.add buildTemplate template for template in ext.templates when template.enabled
Add a generic message to state the obvious… that the list is empty.
unless items.length
message = " #{i18n.get 'empty'}"
items = items.add $('<li/>', class: 'empty').append($ '<i/>', class: 'icon-').append message
Add a link to the options page if the user doesn’t mind.
if store.get 'toolbar.options'
anchor = $ '<a/>',
class: 'options'
'data-type': 'options'
anchor.append $ '<i/>', class: Icon.get('cog').style
anchor.append " #{i18n.get 'options'}"
items = items.add $ '<li/>', class: 'divider'
items = items.add $('<li/>').append anchor
ext.templatesHtml = $('<div/>').append(items).html()
Create an li
element to represent template
The element should then be inserted in to the ul
element in the popup page but is created here
to optimize display times for the popup.
buildTemplate = (template) ->
log.debug "Creating popup list item for the #{template.title} template"
anchor = $ '<a/>',
'data-key': template.key
'data-type': 'popup'
Ensure keyboard shortcuts are displayed correctly, where appropriate.
if template.shortcut and store.get 'shortcuts.enabled'
anchor.append $ '<span/>',
class: 'pull-right muted shortcut',
html: "#{ext.modifiers()}#{template.shortcut}"
anchor.append $ '<i/>', class: Icon.get(template.image, yes).style
anchor.append " #{template.title}"
$('<li/>').append anchor
Handle the conversion/removal of older version of settings that may have been stored previously
by ext.init
init_update = ->
Update the update progress indicator itself.
if store.exists 'update_progress'
store.modify 'updates', (updates) ->
for own namespace, versions of store.remove 'update_progress'
updates[namespace] = if versions?.length then versions.pop() else ''
Create an updater for the settings
updater = new store.Updater 'settings'
updater.on 'update', (version) -> "Updating general settings for #{version}"
isNewInstall = updater.isNew
Define the processes for all required updates to the settings
updater.update '', ->
store.rename 'settingNotification', 'notifications', on
store.rename 'settingNotificationTimer', 'notificationDuration', 3000
store.rename 'settingShortcut', 'shortcuts', on
store.rename 'settingTargetAttr', 'doAnchorTarget', off
store.rename 'settingTitleAttr', 'doAnchorTitle', off
store.remove 'settingIeTabExtract', 'settingIeTabTitle'
updater.update '1.0.0', ->
if store.exists 'options_active_tab'
optionsActiveTab = store.get 'options_active_tab'
store.set 'options_active_tab', switch optionsActiveTab
when 'features_nav' then 'templates_nav'
when 'toolbar_nav' then 'general_nav'
else optionsActiveTab
store.modify 'links', (links) -> = store.get('doAnchorTarget') ? off
links.title = store.get('doAnchorTitle') ? off
store.remove 'doAnchorTarget', 'doAnchorTitle'
store.modify 'menu', (menu) ->
menu.enabled = store.get('contextMenu') ? yes
store.remove 'contextMenu'
store.set 'notifications',
duration: store.get('notificationDuration') ? 3000
enabled: store.get('notifications') ? yes
store.remove 'notificationDuration'
updater.update '1.1.0', ->
store.set 'shortcuts', enabled: store.get('shortcuts') ? yes
updater.update '1.2.3', ->
store.modify 'logger', (logger) ->
delete logger.Enabled
delete logger.Level
store.modify 'menu', (menu) ->
delete menu.Enabled
delete menu.Options
delete menu.Paste
store.modify 'notifications', (notifications) ->
delete notifications.Duration
delete notifications.Enabled
store.modify 'shortcuts', (shortcuts) ->
delete shortcuts.Enabled
delete shortcuts.Paste
store.modify 'toolbar', (toolbar) ->
delete toolbar.Close
delete toolbar.Key
delete toolbar.Options
updater.update '1.2.5', ->
store.modify 'links', (links) ->
anchor = store.get('anchor') ? {} = ? off
links.title = anchor.title ? off
store.remove 'anchor'
updater.update '1.2.7', ->
store.modify 'notifications', (notifications) ->
delete notifications.duration
Initialize the settings related to statistical information.
initStatistics = ->
do updateStatistics
Initialize template
and its properties, before adding it to templates
to be persisted later.
initTemplate = (template, templates) ->
Derive the index of template
to determine whether or not it already exists.
idx = templates.indexOf _.findWhere templates, key: template.key
if idx is -1
doesn’t already exist so add it now.
log.debug 'Adding the following predefined template...', template
templates.push template
exists so modify the properties to ensure they are reliable.
log.debug 'Ensuring following template adheres to structure...', template
if template.readOnly
is read-only so certain properties should always be overriden and others only
when they are not already available.
templates[idx].content = template.content
templates[idx].enabled ?= template.enabled
templates[idx].image ?= template.image
templates[idx].index ?= template.index
templates[idx].key = template.key
templates[idx].readOnly = yes
templates[idx].shortcut ?= template.shortcut
templates[idx].title = template.title
templates[idx].usage ?= template.usage
is not read-only so set unavailable, but required, properties to their default
templates[idx].content ?= ''
templates[idx].enabled ?= yes
templates[idx].image ?= ''
templates[idx].index ?= 0
templates[idx].key ?= template.key
templates[idx].readOnly = no
templates[idx].shortcut ?= ''
templates[idx].title ?= '?'
templates[idx].usage ?= 0
template = templates[idx]
Initialize the persisted managed templates.
initTemplates = ->
do initTemplates_update
store.modify 'templates', (templates) ->
Initialize all default templates to ensure their properties are as expected.
initTemplate template, templates for template in DEFAULT_TEMPLATES
Now, initialize all templates to ensure their properties are valid.
initTemplate template, templates for template in templates
Handle the conversion/removal of older version of settings that may have been stored previously
by initTemplates
initTemplates_update = ->
Create updater for the features
namespace and then rename it to templates
updater = new store.Updater 'features'
updater.on 'update', (version) -> "Updating template settings for #{version}"
updater.rename 'templates'
Define the processes for all required updates to the templates
updater.update '', ->
store.rename 'copyAnchorEnabled', 'feat__anchor_enabled', yes
store.rename 'copyAnchorOrder', 'feat__anchor_index', 2
store.rename 'copyBBCodeEnabled', 'feat__bbcode_enabled', no
store.rename 'copyBBCodeOrder', 'feat__bbcode_index', 4
store.rename 'copyEncodedEnabled', 'feat__encoded_enabled', yes
store.rename 'copyEncodedOrder', 'feat__encoded_index', 3
store.rename 'copyShortEnabled', 'feat__short_enabled', yes
store.rename 'copyShortOrder', 'feat__short_index', 1
store.rename 'copyUrlEnabled', 'feat__url_enabled', yes
store.rename 'copyUrlOrder', 'feat__url_index', 0
updater.update '', ->
names = store.get('features') ? []
for name in names when _.isString name
store.rename "feat_#{name}_template", "feat_#{name}_content"
image = store.get "feat_#{name}_image"
if _.isString image
if image in ['', 'spacer.gif', 'spacer.png']
store.set "feat_#{name}_image", 0
for legacy, i in ext.config.icons.legacy
if "#{ /^tmpl/, 'feat'}.png" is image
store.set "feat_#{name}_image", i + 1
store.set "feat_#{name}_image", 0
updater.update '1.0.0', ->
names = store.remove('features') ? []
templates = []
toolbarFeatureName = store.get 'toolbarFeatureName'
for name in names when _.isString name
image = store.remove("feat_#{name}_image") ? 0
image = if --image >= 0 then Icon.fromLegacy(image)?.name or '' else ''
key = ext.getKeyForName name
if toolbarFeatureName is name
if store.exists 'toolbar'
store.modify 'toolbar', (toolbar) ->
toolbar.key = key
store.set 'toolbar', key: key
content: store.remove("feat_#{name}_content") ? ''
enabled: store.remove("feat_#{name}_enabled") ? yes
image: image
index: store.remove("feat_#{name}_index") ? 0
key: key
readOnly: store.remove("feat_#{name}_readonly") ? no
shortcut: store.remove("feat_#{name}_shortcut") ? ''
title: store.remove("feat_#{name}_title") ? '?'
usage: 0
store.set 'templates', templates
updater.update '1.1.0', ->
store.modify 'templates', (templates) ->
for template in templates
if template.readOnly
break for base in DEFAULT_TEMPLATES when base.key is template.key
template.image = switch template.key
when 'PREDEFINED.00001'
if template.image is 'tmpl_globe' then base.image
else Icon.fromLegacy(template.image)?.name or ''
when 'PREDEFINED.00002'
if template.image is 'tmpl_link' then base.image
else Icon.fromLegacy(template.image)?.name or ''
when 'PREDEFINED.00003'
if template.image is 'tmpl_html' then base.image
else Icon.fromLegacy(template.image)?.name or ''
when 'PREDEFINED.00004'
if template.image is 'tmpl_component' then base.image
else Icon.fromLegacy(template.image)?.name or ''
when 'PREDEFINED.00005'
if template.image is 'tmpl_discussion' then base.image
else Icon.fromLegacy(template.image)?.name or ''
when 'PREDEFINED.00006'
if template.image is 'tmpl_discussion' then base.image
else Icon.fromLegacy(template.image)?.name or ''
when 'PREDEFINED.00007'
if template.image is 'tmpl_note' then base.image
else Icon.fromLegacy(template.image)?.name or ''
else base.image
template.image = Icon.fromLegacy(template.image)?.name or ''
Initialize the settings related to the toolbar/browser action.
initToolbar = ->
do initToolbar_update
store.modify 'toolbar', (toolbar) ->
toolbar.close ?= yes
toolbar.key ?= 'PREDEFINED.00001'
toolbar.options ?= yes
toolbar.popup ?= yes
Handle the conversion/removal of older version of settings that may have been stored previously
by initToolbar
initToolbar_update = ->
Create updater for the toolbar
updater = new store.Updater 'toolbar'
updater.on 'update', (version) -> "Updating toolbar settings for #{version}"
Define the processes for all required updates to the toolbar
updater.update '1.0.0', ->
store.modify 'toolbar', (toolbar) ->
toolbar.popup = store.get('toolbarPopup') ? yes = store.get('toolbarFeatureDetails') ? no
store.remove 'toolbarFeature', 'toolbarFeatureDetails', 'toolbarFeatureName', 'toolbarPopup'
updater.update '1.1.0', ->
store.modify 'toolbar', (toolbar) ->
Initialize the settings related to the supported URL Shortener services.
initUrlShorteners = ->
bitly: {}
googl: {}
yourls: {}
do initUrlShorteners_update
store.modify 'bitly', (bitly) ->
bitly.enabled ?= yes
bitly.usage ?= 0
store.modify 'googl', (googl) ->
googl.enabled ?= no
googl.usage ?= 0
store.modify 'yourls', (yourls) ->
yourls.authentication ?= ''
yourls.enabled ?= no
yourls.password ?= ''
yourls.signature ?= ''
yourls.url ?= ''
yourls.username ?= ''
yourls.usage ?= 0
Handle the conversion/removal of older version of settings that may have been stored previously
by initUrlShorteners
initUrlShorteners_update = ->
Create updater for the shorteners
updater = new store.Updater 'shorteners'
updater.on 'update', (version) -> "Updating URL shortener settings for #{version}"
Define the processes for all required updates to the shorteners
updater.update '', ->
store.rename 'bitlyEnabled', 'bitly', yes
store.rename 'bitlyXApiKey', 'bitlyApiKey', ''
store.rename 'bitlyXLogin', 'bitlyUsername', ''
store.rename 'googleEnabled', 'googl', no
store.rename 'googleOAuthEnabled', 'googlOAuth', yes
updater.update '1.0.0', ->
bitly = store.get 'bitly'
store.set 'bitly',
apiKey: store.get('bitlyApiKey') ? ''
enabled: if _.isBoolean bitly then bitly else yes
username: store.get('bitlyUsername') ? ''
store.remove 'bitlyApiKey', 'bitlyUsername'
googl = store.get 'googl'
store.set 'googl',
enabled: if _.isBoolean googl then googl else no
store.remove 'googlOAuth'
yourls = store.get 'yourls'
store.set 'yourls',
enabled: if _.isBoolean yourls then yourls else no
password: store.get('yourlsPassword') ? ''
signature: store.get('yourlsSignature') ? ''
url: store.get('yourlsUrl') ? ''
username: store.get('yourlsUsername') ? ''
store.remove 'yourlsPassword', 'yourlsSignature', 'yourlsUrl', 'yourlsUsername'
updater.update '1.0.1', ->
store.modify 'bitly', (bitly) ->
delete bitly.apiKey
delete bitly.username
store.modify 'yourls', (yourls) ->
yourls.authentication = if yourls.signature then 'advanced'
else if yourls.password and yourls.username then 'basic'
else ''
updater.update '1.2.3', ->
store.modify 'yourls', (yourls) ->
delete yourls.Password
delete yourls.Signature
delete yourls.Url
delete yourls.Username
Call the active URL shortener service for each URL in map
in order to obtain their
corresponding short URLs.callback
will be called with the result once all URLs have been shortened or an error is
callUrlShortener = (map, callback) ->
service = do getActiveUrlShortener
endpoint = service.url()
oauth = no
title = service.title
Ensure the service URL exists in case it is user-defined (e.g. YOURLS).
return callback new AppError 'shortener_config_error', title unless endpoint
tasks = []
_.each map, (url, placeholder) ->
oauth = !!service.oauth?.hasAccessToken()
tasks.push (done) ->
async.series [
(done) ->
Ensure the OAuth adapter has been authorized.
if oauth
service.oauth.authorize ->
do done
do done
(done) ->
params = service.getParameters url
endpoint += "?#{$.param params}" if params?
Build the HTTP asynchronous request for the URL shortener service.
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest() service.method, endpoint, yes
Allow service to populate request headers.
for own header, value of service.getHeaders() ? {}
xhr.setRequestHeader header, value
xhr.onreadystatechange = ->
Wait for the response and let the service handle it before passing the result back.
if xhr.readyState is 4
if xhr.status is 200
map[placeholder] = service.output xhr.responseText
do done
Something went wrong so let’s tell the user.
done new AppError 'shortener_detailed_error', title, url
Finally, send the HTTP request.
xhr.send service.input url
], done
async.series tasks, (err) ->
if err
err.message or= i18n.get 'shortener_error', service.title
callback err
callback null, {oauth, service}
Retrieve the active URL shortener service.
getActiveUrlShortener = ->
Attempt to lookup enabled URL shortener service.
shortener = _.find SHORTENERS, (shortener) ->
unless shortener?
Should never reach here but we’ll return service by default after ensuring it’s the active URL shortener service from now on to save some time in the future.
store.modify 'bitly', (bitly) ->
bitly.enabled = yes
shortener = do getActiveUrlShortener
log.debug "Getting details for #{shortener.title} URL shortener"
ext = window.ext = new class Extension extends utils.Class
String representation of the keyboard modifiers listened to by Template on Windows/Linux platforms.
String representation of the keyboard modifiers listened to by Template on Mac platforms.
Configuration data loaded at runtime.
config: {}
Information specifying what should be displaying in the notification.
This should be reset after every copy request.
iconUrl: utils.url '../images/icon_64.png'
message: ''
title: ''
type: 'basic'
Reference to supported URL shortener services.
shorteners: SHORTENERS
Local copy of templates being used, ordered to match that specified by the user.
templates: []
Pre-prepared HTML for the popup to be populated using.
This should be updated whenever templates are changed/updated in any way as this is generated
to improve performance and load times of the popup frame.
templatesHtml: ''
Current version of Template.
version: ''
Add str
to the system clipboard.
All successful copy requests should, at some point, call this function.
If str
is empty the contents of the system clipboard will not change.
copy: (str, hidden) ->
sandbox = $('#sandbox').val(str).trigger 'select'
document.execCommand 'copy'
log.debug 'Copied the following string...', str
sandbox.val ''
do showNotification unless hidden
Attempt to retrieve the key of the template with the specified name
Since only the names of predefined templates are known, return a newly generated key if it does
not match any of their names.
getKeyForName: (name, generate = yes) ->
key = switch name
when '_url' then 'PREDEFINED.00001'
when '_short' then 'PREDEFINED.00002'
when '_anchor' then 'PREDEFINED.00003'
when '_encoded' then 'PREDEFINED.00004'
when '_bbcode' then 'PREDEFINED.00005'
when '_markdown' then 'PREDEFINED.00006'
else utils.keyGen() if generate
log.debug "Associating #{key} key with #{name} template"
Initialize the background page.
This will involve initializing the settings and adding the message listeners.
init: ->
log.trace() 'Initializing extension controller'
Add support for analytics if the user hasn’t opted out.
analytics.add() if store.get 'analytics'
Load the configuration data from the file.
$.getJSON utils.url('configuration.json'), (data) =>
Store the configuration data and then ensure it’s data is in the most usable format.
@config = data
do buildConfig
It’s nice knowing what version is running.
{@version} = chrome.runtime.getManifest()
Initiate OAuth for each of the applicable URL shortener services.
shortener.oauth = shortener.oauth?() for shortener in SHORTENERS
Begin initialization.
links: {}
markdown: {}
menu: {}
notifications: {}
shortcuts: {}
stats: {}
templates: []
toolbar: {}
do init_update
store.modify 'links', (links) -> ?= off
links.title ?= off
store.modify 'markdown', (markdown) ->
markdown.inline ?= no
store.modify 'menu', (menu) ->
menu.enabled ?= yes
menu.options ?= yes
menu.paste ?= no
store.modify 'notifications', (notifications) ->
notifications.enabled ?= yes
store.modify 'shortcuts', (shortcuts) ->
shortcuts.enabled ?= yes
shortcuts.paste ?= no
do initTemplates
do initToolbar
do initStatistics
do initUrlShorteners
Add listener for toolbar/browser action clicks.
This listener will be ignored whenever the popup is enabled.
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener (tab) ->
data: key: store.get 'toolbar.key'
type: 'toolbar'
Add listeners for internal and external messages.
chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener onMessage
chrome.extension.onMessageExternal.addListener onMessageExternal
Derive the browser and OS information.
browser.version = do getBrowserVersion
operatingSystem = do getOperatingSystem
analytics.track 'Installs', 'New', @version, Number isProductionBuild if isNewInstall
Execute content scripts now that we know the version.
do executeScriptsInExistingWindows
Determine whether or not os
matches the user’s operating system.
isThisPlatform: (os) ->
/// #{os} ///i.test navigator.platform
Retrieve the correct string representation of the keyboard modifiers for the user’s operating system.
modifiers: ->
if @isThisPlatform 'mac' then @SHORTCUT_MAC_MODIFIERS else @SHORTCUT_MODIFIERS
Attempt to retrieve the contents of the system clipboard as a string.
paste: ->
result = ''
sandbox = $('#sandbox').val('').trigger 'select'
result = sandbox.val() if document.execCommand 'paste'
log.debug 'Pasted the following string...', result
sandbox.val ''
Reset the notification information associated with the current copy request.
This should be called when a copy request is completed regardless of its outcome.
reset: ->
@notification =
iconUrl: utils.url '../images/icon_64.png'
message: ''
title: ''
type: 'basic'
Update the context menu items to reflect the currently enabled templates.
If the context menu option has been disabled by the user, just remove all of the existing menu
updateContextMenu: ->
Ensure that any previously added context menu items are removed.
chrome.contextMenus.removeAll =>
Called whenever a template menu item is clicked.
Message self, passing along the available information.
onMenuClick = (info, tab) ->
onMessage data: info, type: 'menu'
menu = store.get 'menu'
Stop now if the context menu is disabled.
return unless menu.enabled
Create and add the top-level Template menu.
parentId = chrome.contextMenus.create
contexts: ['all']
title: i18n.get 'name'
Create and add a sub-menu item for each enabled template.
for template in @templates when template.enabled
notEmpty = yes
menuId = chrome.contextMenus.create
contexts: ['all']
onclick: onMenuClick
parentId: parentId
title: template.title
template.menuId = menuId
Indicate that no templates have been enabled.
unless notEmpty
contexts: ['all']
parentId: parentId
title: i18n.get 'empty'
Add an item to open the options page if the user doesn’t mind.
if menu.options
contexts: ['all']
parentId: parentId
type: 'separator'
contexts: ['all']
onclick: (info, tab) ->
onMessage type: 'options'
parentId: parentId
title: i18n.get 'options'
Update the local list of templates to reflect those persisted.
It is very important that this is called whenever templates may have been changed in order to
prepare the popup HTML and optimize performance.
updateTemplates: ->
@templates = _.sortBy store.get('templates'), 'index'
do buildPopup
do @updateContextMenu
do updateStatistics
do updateHotkeys
Update the toolbar/browser action depending on the current settings.
updateToolbar: ->
key = store.get 'toolbar.key'
template = getTemplateWithKey key if key
do buildPopup
if not template or store.get 'toolbar.popup' 'Configuring toolbar to display popup'
Show the popup when the browser action is clicked.
chrome.browserAction.setPopup popup: 'pages/popup.html'
else 'Configuring toolbar to activate specified template'
Disable the popup, effectively enabling the listener for chrome.browserAction.onClicked
chrome.browserAction.setPopup popup: ''
provides common functionality for using icons throughout the extension.
ext.Icon = class Icon extends utils.Class
Create a new instance of Icon
with the specified name
An appropriate localized message and CSS style is also derived.
constructor: (@name) ->
@message = i18n.get "icon_#{name?.replace(/-/g, '_') or 'none'}"
@style = "icon-#{name or ''}"
Determine whether an Icon
with the given name
Icon.exists = (name) ->
Retrieve the Icon
with the given name
can be used to ensure that an Icon
is always returned, although this will be empty (no
name) if none had a matching name
Icon.get = (name, safe) ->
icon = _.findWhere ext.config.icons.current, {name}
if not icon? and safe then new Icon() else icon
Attempt to retrieve the replacement for the legacy icon with the given name
If name
is a number it will be treated as an index of the legacy icon; otherwise a simple
lookup is performed.
Icon.fromLegacy = (name) ->
legacy = switch typeof name
when 'number' then ext.config.icons.legacy[name]
when 'string' then _.findWhere ext.config.icons.legacy, {name}
if legacy then Icon.get legacy.icon
Initialize ext
when the DOM is ready.
utils.ready -> ext.init()