handlers =
(c) 2014 Alasdair Mercer
Freely distributable under the MIT license:
Mapping for internationalization handlers.
Each handler represents an attribute (based on the property name) and is called for each
attribute found within the node currently being processed.
handlers =
Replace the HTML content of element
with the named message looked up for name
'i18n-content': (element, name, map) ->
subs = subst element, name, map
element.innerHTML = i18n.get name, subs
Adds options to the select element
with the message looked up for name
'i18n-options': (element, name, map) ->
subs = subst element, name, map
for value in i18n.get name, subs
option = document.createElement 'option'
if _.isString value
option.text = option.value = value
option.text = value[1]
option.value = value[0]
element.appendChild option
Replace the value of the properties and/or attributes of element
with the messages looked up
for their corresponding values.
'i18n-values': (element, value, map) ->
for part in value.replace(/\s/g, '').split ';'
prop = part.match /^([^:]+):(.+)$/
continue unless prop
propName = prop[1]
propExpr = prop[2]
propSubs = subst element, propExpr, map
if propName[0] is '.'
path = propName[1..].split '.'
obj = element
obj = obj[path.shift()] while obj and path.length > 1
if obj
path = path[0]
obj[path] = i18n.get propExpr, propSubs
process element, map if path is 'innerHTML'
element.setAttribute propName, i18n.get propExpr, propSubs
List of internationalization attributes/handlers available.
attributes = (key for own key of handlers)
Selector containing the available internationalization attributes/handlers which is used by
to query all elements.
selector = "[#{attributes.join '],['}]"
Find all elements to be localized and call their corresponding handler(s).
process = (node, map) ->
for element in node.querySelectorAll selector
for name in attributes
attribute = element.getAttribute name
handlers[name] element, attribute, map if attribute?
Find an array of substitution strings using the element’s ID and the message key as the mapping.
subst = (element, value, map) ->
if map
for own prop, map2 of map when prop is element.id
for own prop2, target of map2 when prop2 is value
subs = target
i18n = window.i18n = new class Internationalization extends utils.Class
Default configuration for how internationalization is managed.
Retrieve the message with the given name
Any substitutions
provided will be used to replace numeric placeholders within the message
before it is returned.
get: (name, substitutions = []) ->
message = @messages[name]
if message? and substitutions.length > 0
for sub, i in substitutions
message = message.replace new RegExp("\\$#{i + 1}", 'g'), sub
Retrieve a list of supported languages.
langs: ->
Retrieve the current detected locale.
locale: ->
Root node that is to be modified and traversed.
node: document
Default container for localized messages.
messages: {}
Localize the specified attribute
of all the selected elements.
attribute: (selector, attribute, name, subs) ->
for element in @manager.node.querySelectorAll selector
element.setAttribute attribute, @get name, subs
Localize the contents of all the selected elements.
content: (selector, name, subs) ->
for element in @manager.node.querySelectorAll selector
element.innerHTML = @get name, subs
Add localized option
elements to the selected elements.
options: (selector, name, subs) ->
for element in @manager.node.querySelectorAll selector
for value in @get name, subs
option = document.createElement 'option'
if _.isString value
option.text = option.value = value
option.text = value[1]
option.value = value[0]
element.appendChild option
Get the localized message.
get: ->
@manager.get arguments...
Localize all relevant elements within the managed node (document
by default).
init: (map) ->
process @manager.node, map
Retrieve the accepted languages.
langs: ->
@manager.langs arguments...
Retrieve the current locale.
locale: ->
@manager.locale arguments...
Reconfigure the internationalization manager to work for Chrome extensions.
Convenient shorthand for chrome.i18n.getMessage
i18n.manager.get = ->
chrome.i18n.getMessage arguments...
Convenient shorthand for chrome.i18n.getAcceptLanguages
i18n.manager.langs = ->
chrome.i18n.getAcceptLanguages arguments...
Parse the predefined @@ui_locale
i18n.manager.locale = ->
i18n.get('@@ui_locale').replace '_', '-'