elementBackups = {}
(c) 2014 Alasdair Mercer
Freely distributable under the MIT license:
Backups of relevant elements, each related to individual requests.
elementBackups = {}
Details of the last relevant elements.
elements =
field: null
link: null
other: null
List of shortcuts used by enabled templates.
This list should be updated after any templates have been.
hotkeys = []
Create a clean copy of the specified web storage
The returned copy should only be a key/value map of the items stored in storage
copyStorage = (storage) ->
copy = {}
for i in [0...storage.length]
key = storage.key i
copy[key] = storage.getItem key
Extract the value the specified property
from all elements of array
If an element does not have a valid property
or its value has already been recorded it should
be ignored from the results.
extractAll = (array, property) ->
results = []
for element in array when element[property] and element[property] not in results
results.push element[property]
Extract the relevant content of node
as defined by output
getContent = (node, output) ->
return '' unless node
if output in ['html', 'markdown'] then node.innerHTML else node.textContent
Attempt to derive the most relevant anchor element from those stored under the id
getLink = (id, url) ->
return unless elementBackups[id]?
if elementBackups[id].link?.href is url then elementBackups[id].link
else parentLink elementBackups[id].other
Create a map of key/value pairs based on all of the pages meta elements.
getMetaMap = ->
map = {}
nodes = document.querySelectorAll 'meta[content]'
for node in nodes
key = node.name or node['http-equiv'] or node.property
value = node.content
map[key] = value if key and value
Determine whether or not node
is editable.
isEditable = (node) ->
node? and not node.disabled and not node.readOnly
Determine whether or not os
matches the user’s operating system.
isThisPlatform = (os) ->
/// #{os} ///i.test navigator.platform
Traverse the parents of node
in search of the first anchor element, if any.
parentLink = (node) ->
return unless node?
if node.nodeName is 'A' then node else parentLink node.parentNode
Paste value
in to the editable node
This should simulate pasting as much as possible, so the current value of node
should be
manipulated in such a way instead of simply replacing it.
paste = (node, value) ->
return unless node? or value
str = node.value.substr 0, node.selectionStart
str += value
str += node.value.substr node.selectionEnd, node.value.length
node.value = str
Evaluate the CSS selectors provided and extract their corresponding contents.
If an error occurs during the evaluation, it can be found at info.error
runSelector = (info) ->
{all, convertTo, expression} = info
info.result = if all
nodes = document.querySelectorAll expression
(getContent node, convertTo for node in nodes when node)
node = document.querySelector expression
if node then getContent node, convertTo
catch e
info.error = e
Evaluate the XPath expressions provided and extract their corresponding contents.
If an error occurs during the evaluation, it can be found at info.error
runXPath = (info) ->
{all, convertTo, expression} = info
info.result = xpath expression, convertTo, not all
catch e
info.error = e
Evaluate a given XPath expression
and derive the best value(s) from the result.
xpath = (expression, format, singular) ->
result = document.evaluate expression, document, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null
Not sure if this would happen but let’s guard against insanity.
return unless result
switch result.resultType
Simple primitive results are easy to extract from result
when XPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE then result.booleanValue
when XPathResult.NUMBER_TYPE then result.numberValue
when XPathResult.STRING_TYPE then result.stringValue
Single nodes probably won’t be returned for ANY_TYPE
but it’s easy enough to handle.
node = result.singleNodeValue
if node then getContent node, format
Extract the contents of each snapshot. Again, it’s unlikely these will be used by ANY_TYPE
but it’s better to be safe than sorry.
contents = []
for i in [0...result.snapshotLength]
node = result.snapshotItem i
if node
contents.push getContent node, format
break if singular
if singular then contents[0] else contents
Extract the contents of all nodes returned in result
contents = []
while node = result.iterateNext()
if node
contents.push getContent node, format
break if singular
if singular then contents[0] else contents
Wrap the function functionality in a message for Template’s extension ID and current version so that it can be used to detect previous injections.
chrome.extension.sendMessage type: 'info', (data) ->
hotkeys = data.hotkeys
isMac = isThisPlatform 'mac'
Only add the listeners if a previous injection isn’t detected for version of Template that is currently running.
return if document.body.getAttribute(data.id) is data.version
document.body.setAttribute data.id, data.version
Record relevant links and input fields when using the right-click menu.
addEventListener 'contextmenu', (e) ->
switch e.target.nodeName
when 'A' then elements.link = e.target
when 'INPUT', 'TEXTAREA' then elements.field = e.target
else elements.other = e.target
Add a listener for extension keyboard shortcuts in to the page context.
addEventListener 'keydown', (e) ->
if (not isMac and e.ctrlKey and e.altKey) or (isMac and e.shiftKey and e.altKey)
key = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode).toUpperCase()
if key in hotkeys
elements.field = if e.target.nodeName in ['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA'] then e.target else null
data: key: key
type: 'shortcut'
Add a listener to provide the background page with information that is extracted from the DOM or perform auto-paste functionality.
chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener (message, sender, sendResponse) ->
Safely handle callback functionality.
callback = (args...) ->
if typeof sendResponse is 'function'
sendResponse args...
Ensure local hotkeys are up-to-date.
if message.hotkeys?
hotkeys = message.hotkeys
return do callback
Retrieve the contents of all evaluated elements.
if message.expressions?
for own key, info of message.expressions
switch info.type
when 'select' then runSelector info
when 'xpath' then runXPath info
return callback expressions: message.expressions
Message identifier is required past this point.
return do callback unless message.id?
Paste the message contents into the targeted field.
if message.type is 'paste'
if message.contents? and isEditable elementBackups[message.id]?.field
paste elementBackups[message.id].field, message.contents
Backups no longer required so might as well clean up a bit.
delete elementBackups[message.id]
return do callback
Create a backup of the relevant elements for this request.
elementBackups[message.id] =
field: if message.editable or message.shortcut then elements.field
link: if message.link then elements.link
other: if message.link then elements.other
Extract any user-selected contents.
selection = do getSelection
unless selection.isCollapsed
contents = selection.getRangeAt(0).cloneContents()
if contents
container = document.createElement 'div'
container.appendChild contents
Convert relative addresses to absolute.
href.href = href.href for href in container.querySelectorAll '[href]'
src.src = src.src for src in container.querySelectorAll '[src]'
Capture addresses for links and images.
images = extractAll container.querySelectorAll('img[src]'), 'src'
links = extractAll container.querySelectorAll('a[href]'), 'href'
link = getLink message.id, message.url
meta = do getMetaMap
Build response with values derived from the DOM.
characterSet: document.characterSet
html: document.documentElement.outerHTML
images: extractAll document.images, 'src'
lastModified: document.lastModified
linkHTML: link?.innerHTML
linkText: link?.textContent
links: extractAll document.links, 'href'
localStorage: copyStorage localStorage
metaMap: meta
pageHeight: innerHeight
pageWidth: innerWidth
referrer: document.referrer
scripts: extractAll document.scripts, 'src'
selectedImages: images
selectedLinks: links
selection: selection.toString()
selectionHTML: container?.innerHTML
sessionStorage: copyStorage sessionStorage
styleSheets: extractAll document.styleSheets, 'href'