{analytics, ext, log, utils} = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage()
(c) 2014 Alasdair Mercer
Freely distributable under the MIT license:
Easily accessible reference to analytics, logging, utilities, and the extension controller.
{analytics, ext, log, utils} = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage()
Calculate the widest of the specified elements
getMaxWidth = (elements) ->
width = 0
width = element.scrollWidth for element in elements when element.scrollWidth > width
Send a message to the background page using the information provided.
sendMessage = ->
message =
data: key: @getAttribute 'data-key'
type: @getAttribute 'data-type'
log.debug 'Sending the following message to the extension controller', message
chrome.extension.sendMessage message
popup = window.popup = new class Popup extends utils.Class
Initialize the popup page.
init: ->
log.info 'Initializing the popup'
analytics.track 'Frames', 'Displayed', 'Popup'
Insert the prepared HTML in to the popup’s body.
document.getElementById('templates').innerHTML = ext.templatesHtml
Find the required elements.
items = document.querySelectorAll '#templates li > a'
shortcuts = document.querySelectorAll '#templates li > a .shortcut'
Determine the maximum width for items.
maxItemWidth = getMaxWidth items
maxShortcutWidth = getMaxWidth shortcuts
maxWidth = maxItemWidth + maxShortcutWidth
Bind click event and apply maximum width to all items.
for item in items
item.addEventListener 'click', sendMessage
item.style.width = "#{maxWidth}px"
log.debug "Widest textual item in popup is #{maxWidth}px"
Ensure that the loading bar matches the preferred width.
width = document.querySelector('#templates li').scrollWidth
document.getElementById('loading').style.width = "#{width + 2}px"
Initialize popup
when the DOM is ready.
utils.ready this, -> popup.init()