Options are variables that represent your current tmplat settings and are generally accessed in the same way as standard variables.
Name | Description |
bitly | Whether or not bit.ly is the enabled URL shortener |
bitlyAccount | Whether or not you are currently logged in to your bit.ly account |
googl | Whether or not goo.gl is the enabled URL shortener |
googlAccount | Whether or not you are currently logged in to your goo.gl account |
linksTarget New | Whether or not the option to render links with instructions to open them in a new tab/window is enabled |
linksTitle New | Whether or not the option to render links with hover text is enabled |
markdownInline New | Whether or not the option to render Markdown links using the inline style is enabled |
menu | Whether or not the option to show the context (right-click) menu is enabled |
menuOptions | Whether or not the Options item is displayed at the bottom of the context (right-click) menu |
menuPaste | Whether or not the tmplat output is automatically pasted into the field where the context (right-click) menu was activated |
notifications | Whether or not the option to show desktop notifications is enabled |
shortcuts | Whether or not the option to allow keyboard shortcuts is enabled |
shortcutsPaste | Whether or not the tmplat output is automatically pasted into the field where the keyboard shortcut was detected |
toolbarClose | Whether or not the popup is closed immediately after a template is selected |
toolbarKey | The unique key of the template activated when the toolbar button is clicked |
toolbarOptions | Whether or not the Options link is displayed at the bottom of the popup |
toolbarPopup | Whether or not the popup is shown when the toolbar button is clicked |
yourls | Whether or not YOURLS is the enabled URL shortener |
yourlsAuthentication | The authentication used for the YOURLS service (e.g. advanced, basic, or nothing if none) |
yourlsPassword | The password for the YOURLS service |
yourlsSignature | The signature for the YOURLS service (e.g. 3002a61584) |
yourlsUrl | The URL of the YOURLS service (e.g. http://example.com/yourls-api.php) |
yourlsUsername | The username for the YOURLS service |
This page's information will be used in the following examples.
To include the title attribute in an anchor tag only if you have enabled the corresponding option;
<a href="{{url}}"{#linksTitle} title="{{title}}"{/linksTitle}>This is a test!</a>
This would output the following if you've enabled the option;
<a href="https://tmplat.com/guide/options" title="Options | Guide | tmplat">This is a test!</a>
However, if you have disabled the option it will output this;
<a href="https://tmplat.com/guide/options">This is a test!</a>