Lists & Objects are generally accessed using sections (including inverted) to iterate over and access properties respectively. However, simple tags can be used to output the contents of a list or the properties of an object in CSV format.
Name | Type | Description |
cookies | List | The names of all cookies associated with the page |
coords | Object | The properties of your current physical location (e.g. latitude, longitude and many more) |
fparams | Object |
The key/value pairs of all parameters within the hash fragment (e.g. fragment foo=bar&fu=baz
contains foo and fu)
fsegments | List | The segments from the hash fragment's path |
images ¹ | List | The URLs of all images on the page |
keywords ¹ | List | The keywords from the page's meta information |
links ¹ | List | The URLs of all links on the page |
localStorage ¹New | Object | The items stored in the localStorage of the page |
params | Object |
The key/value pairs of all parameters (e.g. query foo=bar&fu=baz contains foo and
plugins | List | The names of all enabled browser plugins (e.g. Shockwave Flash) |
popular | Object | The properties of your most popular template (e.g. title, content, shortcut and many more) |
scripts ¹ | List | The URLs of all external script used by the page |
segments | List | The segments from the URL's path |
selectedImages ¹ | List | The URLs of all images within the current selection |
selectedLinks ¹ | List | The URLs of all links within the current selection |
sessionStorage ¹New | Object | The items stored in the sessionStorage of the page |
styleSheets ¹ | List | The URLs of all external CSS resources used by the page |
tabs | List | The URLs of all tabs open in the current window |
template | Object | The properties of the activated template (e.g. title, image, usage and many more) |
This page's information will be used in the following examples.
As it's a list, you can do the following to iterate over all the segments;
Follow the breadcrumbs;
* {.}
Would output the following;
Follow the breadcrumbs;
* guide
* lists-objects
In order to access the properties of an object it couldn't be any easier than this;
{#params}foo is "{foo}" and fu is "{fu}".{/params}
{^params}No parameters could be found!{/params}
Since this page has (or at least should have) no parameters it would output the following;
No parameters could be found!
However, if it was to have something like foo=bar&fu=baz
as its query string it would output
foo is "bar" and fu is "baz".
Alternatively, this could be achieved using dot notation as follows;
foo is "{}" and fu is "{params.fu}".
Using the following you can access the name and values of all available cookies;
The site has following information stored;
* {.} = "{#cookie}{.}{/cookie}"
This will output in something like the following;
The site has following information stored;
* JSESSIONID = "2pkffy9ivmpfwntf12y6o4cgu"
* __utmc = "224978569"
If you would like to embed a map of your current location (e.g. in a blog post) try the following snippet;
<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="{latitude},{longitude}&output=embed"></iframe>
<small><a href="{latitude},{longitude}&source=embed">View Larger Map</a></small>